Discover the unique properties and potential benefits of shungite stone, a mineral found only in the Karelia region of Russia. Learn about its ability to purify water, protect against electromagnetic radiation, and balance the body’s energy.

Fullerene Wirkung / Wirkung des Schungit-Stein

Was hat das Molekül Fulleren mit der Wirkung des Schungit-Steins zutun? Der Effekt der Fullerene / Fullerene Wirkung: Alles, was Sie über die Wirkung von Schungit wissen müssen! Die Wirkung…

Shungite, the healing stone from Karelia

Shungite stones are a unique mineral originating from the Karelia region in Russia. These stones have a distinctive structure and contain a variety of minerals and organic compounds, making them…